Überwachungs app für kinder

That is why good website filtering is also very helpful. As already mentioned above, the system tools offer no effective assistance in this case, except on the subject of pornography. And the apps included in the test for comparison also assist in pre-filtering. In case it happens anyway and details are entered, this ought to also be documented in a report. But that is a function which in turn is only offered by Kaspersky Lab and Symantec. Via a web account, the detailed reports of the parental control app can be called up.

The app keeps track of all alarms and activities of a child in a report — also over the space of several days. The protection functions of the system are a good approach, but not sufficient. There are only up to 30 days of reports on the usage times of apps. There are already very few functions — and unfortunately no reports. Mobile devices are generally online 24 hours a day and always immediately operational. Which is why there is a large temptation to quickly pick up the device, see what's going on, or to play a quick round.

If the mobile device is even taken into the child's room in the evening, you can usually kiss control goodbye. As a result, the testers expect a control package to have the following functions: a time control of the devices or online use, an app control, automatic blocking of various websites and a reporting function. All parental control systems work with a profile in which the restricted times are already managed for a device according to age group and can also be adjusted.

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This function works quite well. In terms of app controls, it's a different story. Google's Android allows for control. With Amazon, the main user shares an app with the child or not. No additional control is possible. If children play or surf with the device despite a time-out, then the access to forbidden websites ought to at least be blocked. As already mentioned above, compared to the operating systems, only Kaspersky Lab and Symantec do a good job of this. This becomes even more apparent in the reporting functions: on the paid apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec, everything is logged, whereas the systems record virtually nothing.

In buying propositions, dealers love to create time pressure by including "today only" in the ad, for example.

Many parents fall for this trick — with children, the number is even higher. Especially in online games, there are often digital add-on tools that offer benefits, available for a few euros. In order to curb or prevent this temptation, protection apps should include the following: the option of an app control which blocks certain websites and an ad blocker. A relatively decent app control, as already mentioned above, is available under Android only with Google Family Link and the apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec.

For Amazon, there is no variable-control app blocker.

And the access and filtering of games according to the category of entertainment games or shopping websites are only reliably managed by the apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec. Unfortunately, none of the parental control apps tested includes an ad blocker. The danger area addressed by the testers, "Protection against online grooming sexual exploitation " is a sad fact: Time and again, children are approached by strangers via digital channels, and they often react too trustingly.

So-called grooming, i. In doing so, they approach children, listen to them, act like a friend, send them digital gifts, thereby extracting information from a child. Once the stranger has then collected compromising information, an attempt is made to blackmail the child, e.

Was ist die XNSPY-Software für die elterliche Kontrolle?

As part of a threat prevention package, the testers call for a social media tool that monitors the entry of personal details, provides good reporting and offers a tool with automatic image analysis that sounds an alarm in case of nude photos. A social media control, at least for Facebook, is included in the apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec, in addition to individual apps that were also tested for comparison. The entry of personal data is monitored exclusively by the app from Symantec under Android and also iOS.

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A good reporting system detailing all prohibited actions, along with the visited and blocked websites is only found in the paid apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec. Automatic image analysis, which could block nude photos, for instance, is already technically possible. However, it was not a feature in any of the apps evaluated in the test. Crimes on the web are often committed with stolen identities. This means that attackers have fewer tracks to hide. In case they are caught, another person is suspected. That is why protection of one's own privacy and thus of one's own identity is an important criterion.

Handy Überwachung mit der Überwachungs App für Eltern

Attackers normally launch their attacks with the known tools: infected emails, banner ads with malware in tow, emails leading to falsified websites and entry screens for personal access data. An appropriate privacy tool for the protection of privacy is only available from Symantec in both app versions, as well as in iOS. If a cell phone is stolen, it can be located using both apps from Kaspersky Lab, as well as with the systems from iOS and Google.

In this category, Symantec apparently relies on the locating function of iOS and Android. To enable a parental protection app to also assist against infected emails or other malware threats, the testers also expect a security tool for protection. An ad blocker that immediately closes banner ads is unfortunately not available on any parental control app and not in the system functions. Depending upon the age of the child, the protection functions of the systems with Android, iOS and Amazon offer only a very limited remedy.

Parents would do well not to rely on the parental control functions of Kindle Fire Parental Controls. The certified apps from Kaspersky Lab and Symantec each include a bundle of protection functions. Android offers a multitude, iOS fewer, as the system there does not allow lower-level intrusions — even if they offered protection. Guided by the table on possible dangers and the areas where apps offer protection, parents can set their own priorities and find an appropriate app for parental control.


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Der einfachste Weg Ihre Kinder online zu kontrollieren

How the apps respond to the 7 dangers for children There is generally no one individual function against the individual dangers. Rather, several protection functions of an app are required to work in lockstep to contain the danger: Protection against cyber bullying Access control to adult content Control of private data transfer Controlling time spent on digital devices Protection from online money traps Protection against online grooming sexual exploitation Protection of privacy AV-TEST explains the test methodology and implementation within the mobile systems in the first article on the topic of parental control software.

Website filtering in parental control apps Most of the apps offered too few categories or only filter websites according to the topic of pornography — everything else is given a free pass.

Überwachungs-Apps: Was Eltern beachten müssen

More control options in apps in terms of the additional functions, the paid apps almost always outperform the system apps. Reporting functions in parental control apps The systems offer virtually no reporting on activities or prohibited actions in device use — this is a function only the paid apps perform well. Digital personality — protection from cyber bullying For the category of cyber bullying, the laboratory expects the following functions to work in concert: a time control, along with a location of the device, the protection of profiles and activities through a social media control and good reporting functions.

Access to adult content To be sure, the Internet offers a wide array of pornographic content and generally offers no access padlocks on those websites. Protection of private data — key entry control Children are quick to divulge personal information such as their address, phone number or the name of their school. Kaspersky Safe Kids Via a web account, the detailed reports of the parental control app can be called up. Strafe muss sein! Ihr zwölfjähriger Sohn hat sein Smartphone unter einer Bedingung bekommen: dass er damit für sie erreichbar ist.

Doch wenn sie ihn anruft, geht er oft nicht dran. Ruft der Sohn nicht zurück, sperrt sie sein Smartphone aus der Ferne. Auf dem verriegelten Gerät funktionieren nur noch zwei Nummern: die für den Notruf und die der Eltern. Um das zu ändern, ist ein Code nötig, den die Kinder nur von den Eltern bekommen können. Um dem Nachwuchs bei der Mediennutzung auf die Finger zu schauen, müssen Eltern keine Informatikexperten sein. All diese Möglichkeiten stehen in der Schweiz theoretisch sehr vielen Eltern offen, da hier gemäss aktueller James-Studie 97 Prozent der jungen Handybesitzer ein Smartphone nutzen.

Die technische Voraussetzung für eine Überwachung ist also gegeben. Eine App als moderne Erziehungshilfe?