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Bass is a touch limited, even more so than the smaller Sonos Play: Unlike the cheaper TrustedReviews Awards-winning Samsung M3, however, the sound never gets muddied on bass-heavy tracks. It remains balanced and clear throughout, if a little weak.

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Listening to some Tricky and hip-hop albums lacked the low-end oomph that brings that genre to life. At top levels treble can be a little harsh too, but the midrange packs plenty of detail and clarity. Overall we ever so slightly prefer the One S to the Sonos and Samsung, both in terms of a balanced sound and top volume level. We review the Raumfeld One S, a seriously slick and durable multi-purpose music machine for your bathroom or kitchen.

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The One S sports an almost-cube build with a mesh front and black or white frame. The design is stunning and also plays well with pretty much any decor. A silicon control panel on top can be used to switch between four pre-set DAB radio stations or change volume, while the two dinky lights on the front show when the speaker is turned on and connected to Wi-Fi. After opening the app, start music playback and just enjoy.

The Raumfeld loudspeakers are really a well thought out concept that, from the unboxing to the setup and daily use, are simply a delight. The finishing allows it to visually blend into and room and fits in everywhere. I was immediately impressed by the sound from this little noise maker. The WiFi setup via the free Raumfeld App worked perfectly. The matte synthetic enclosure is the product of high-quality workmanship and comes across as very modern and minimalistic.

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It fit wonderfully into the overall look of our living room. I was blown away by the first listening session. After all, that this small box with the dimensions 11 x 18 x 13 centimeters delivers such a powerful and yet clean sound is simply amazing. The One S had no problem filling our 30 square meter living room with sound, and if I turn up the volume any more, the neighbours will no doubt be at my door in seconds. With the One S, Raumfeld has a very good entry level device to its line that, with a price tag of just EUR, is very attractive.

The sound is phenomenal for the size and the system can be easily controlled with the app. Workmanship "Visually, the loudspeaker makes a very good impression: The matte lacquered synthetic enclosure is well made and the design comes across as pleasantly minimalistic.

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When it comes to the sound, there can be no doubt that the One S is a cut above. Raumfeld has a very good entry level device in its product range with the One S that at EUR is also attractively priced. Kommt halt immer auf das Musikmaterial an. Nicht zu viel und nicht zu wenig. Eine klare Empfehlung meinerseits.

Kurz gesagt, absolut geil! Diese wird von dem designierten Einsatzort umrahmt. Modern met vleugje Retro "De One S voelt met zijn afgeronde hoeken en minder traditioneel design net iets moderner aan, al bespeuren we ook hier weer een balkje geborsteld aluminium. Alle knoppen zijn hier echter in de bovenkant verwerkt, verzonken in een groter siliconen geheel. De bedoeling is duidelijk dat je de One S voornamelijk op de tast bedient, iets dat wel door de minder uitgesproken profiel van de toetsen even wat gewenning vraagt.

Maar in de praktijk bleek het een uitstekende vondst dat veel mensen op prijs stellen. Dat zowel de Stereo M als de One S ook uitgerust zijn met een viertal presets vinden we dus opperbest! Raumfeld bestaat al even. Met de Stereo M bewijzen de Duitsers dat ze zeker niet van plan zijn om te verdwijnen. Kundenzufriedenheit ist das oberste Ziel von mSpy. In dem Moment, wo ich mSpy probiert hatte, wurde das Programm für mich als Elternteil zu einem unverzichtbaren Helfer im Alltag. Gut finde ich auch, dass ich genau einstellen kann, welche Kontakte, Websites und Apps okay sind, und welche nicht.

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